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Monday, September 19, 2011

Nuclear Power Plant Demonstration

Nuclear Power Plant

Description: This one of the best Project posted here. This project demonstrate how a Nuclear power plant use to work. It also demoed the internal reactions as well as the few information related to the Nuclear power plant. It required good knowledge of OpenGL to develop this project. 
As you can see, from the figure the flow digram is developed nicely with right combinations of different polygons to make the structure possible.

  Right click to choose the options.

                   About the project: Explain about the project.Working of Power Plant: Demo the working
                   About Nuclear Power plant: Explain few of the things related to Nuclear power plant.
                   Internal reactions: Demo how the nuclie internaly react to fuse and generate power.
                   Quit:  Close the Program.

Project Code:

* want to change the speed of of the stream flow change the value in the code.